How to Indulge Without Regret

A group of people sitting around a table with food on it.

How to indulge without regret over the Holiday Season without digestive side effects

Ah, the festive season—a time of joy, celebration, and, if we’re honest, a few extra kilos for many Australians. The average person gains around 2kg during this time, and shedding those extra kilos in the following year can be a real challenge. That’s why it’s aptly named the silly season! However, let’s shift our mindset this year. Instead of setting unrealistic weight loss goals during the holidays, let’s aim to maintain our current state. Here are nine comprehensive tips to help you not just survive but thrive during the festive season:

1. Mindful Drinking:
Indulging in a few extra drinks is a normal part of the holidays. However, be conscious of your liquid calorie intake. Opt for clearer spirits like vodka or gin, and consider champagne, wine, or light beer. Reserve cocktails and heavier drinks for special occasions. By being mindful of what you drink, you can enjoy the festivities without unnecessary calorie overload.

2. Avoid Empty Stomachs:
Skipping meals might seem like a strategy to “save calories,” but it often leads to overindulgence later. Keep your meals structured, even during the holidays. Before attending a festive event, have a nutritious snack, like a piece of fruit or a small tub of yogurt, an hour prior to curb excessive hunger and prevent overeating.

3. Prioritise Festive Foods:
It’s easy to get carried away with the abundance of holiday treats. Instead, focus on prioritizing and choosing traditional Christmas foods that you truly enjoy and wouldn’t typically indulge in throughout the year. Practice mindful eating by savouring each bite, fostering healthier eating habits, and preventing overindulgence.

4. Embrace Seasonal Produce:
This holiday season, consider incorporating seasonal fruits like mangoes, cherries, and lychees into your menu. Create fruit skewers drizzled with dark chocolate as a delightful alternative to calorie-dense desserts. Fruits such as peaches, pomegranates, or mangoes also make excellent additions to salads, providing both flavour and fibre to help you feel full.

5. Stay Active:
Amidst the festivities, don’t neglect your exercise routine. Prioritise your commitment to gym sessions, exercise classes, or regular walks. The holidays offer a unique opportunity to engage in active family activities such as bush walks, cricket on the beach, or bike rides. Instead of waiting for the new year to start a fitness regime, take advantage of the extra time during the holidays.

6. Practice Gratitude and Contribute:
The holiday season can be stressful, but expressing gratitude can help alleviate some of that stress. Before bedtime, jot down five things you were thankful for during the day. Get creative—find gratitude in unexpected moments, like having fewer unexpected guests than anticipated or having more healthy food options. Additionally, contributing to others, whether through giving gifts, volunteering, or thoughtful gestures, generates positive emotions and provides a sense of meaning and perspective.

7. Mindful Conversation:
Engage in mindful and meaningful conversations during gatherings. Instead of focusing solely on the food, take the opportunity to connect with friends and family. Meaningful conversations not only enhance your overall experience but also contribute to a more positive and fulfilling holiday season.

8. Be in Charge:
In the midst of festive celebrations, tune in to your body’s signals. Cease eating when you feel satisfied. Just because it’s the season of revelry doesn’t mean you must abandon mindfulness. In a culture that often glorifies excess, recognize the importance of moderation. Revel in the festivities wholeheartedly but remain mindful of your choices. By mastering the art of selective indulgence, you establish equilibrium and enhance your capacity to decline on occasions extending beyond the end-of-year revelry. Don’t perceive yourself as excluded because you assert your stance on consuming food and drinks. Embrace the powerful sensation of being distinct—it could serve as inspiration for others. Be a role model, especially during family gatherings where children keenly observe adult behaviour. It’s an opportune moment to embody positive influence!

9. Hydrate:
If all else fails, remember the importance of hydration, particularly with water. Whether you’ve had a large night of celebration or not, keeping yourself well-hydrated has numerous benefits. Water helps flush out toxins, keeps you feeling fuller between meals, and aids digestion. Start your day with a few large glasses of water on an empty stomach, and consider adding a splash of lemon for an extra digestion boost. If you’re unsure about your daily water intake, a handy trick is to roughly divide your body weight in kilograms by 30 to determine the amount you should be drinking per day.

So, as the saying goes, the festive season is the most wonderful time of the year. While it’s undeniably great, let’s approach the holiday period with the same consideration for our health and well-being as we do the rest of the year. Remember, everything in moderation leads to a more balanced and joyful holiday season.


If you feel congested, the family got you stressed, or you devoured a box of gift chocolates, no worries, my friend! I have your solution right here. I am sharing with you what I do to recharge, regenerate, and kick the bloat so my energy levels stay up and my jeans don’t feel so tight!

Are you ready?
This 4-day reset has everything you need to cleanse and revitalize after a party, event, or the entire holiday season. Claim your 4-day plan by emailing me at [email protected], and I will send you the 4-day menu to help you start a new year feeling good.

Enjoy yourself, and if you have favourite strategies for guilt-free festive enjoyment, share them by emailing me at [email protected]. If you need support for your overall health and well-being, don’t hesitate to reach out via email or book a free discovery session here:

Wishing you a wonderful and health-filled festive season!

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